Mission Statement 使命宣言
In obedience to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 28:19-20, EMCI exists to fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with Chinese-American churches in SoCal to share God’s love to the Unreached People Groups around the world.
為了遵守耶穌在馬太福音 28:19-20 中的教導,EMCI 存在的目的,是與南加州眾多華人教會合作,一同履行大使命,向世界各地的未得之民群體分享上帝的愛。
Who We Are 機構介紹
EMCI (Mission Organization) birthed out of EFC Irvine (Church) because of our desire to partner with other Chinese-American churches to do cross-cultural missions together. One church alone cannot do anything significant to reach an Unreached People Group. Only when the Body of Christ unite together in a spirit of unity can we accomplish something great for the Kingdom of God.
EMCI(宣教機構)出自於 EFC Irvine(愛恩台福教會),我們希望與其他華人教會合作,共同完成跨文化使命。 僅一個教會,無法有效率地的帶領一個未得之民群體歸主。 只有當基督的肢體團結在一起時,我們才能為上帝的國度成就偉大的工作。
Our mission partner in Nepal baptizing a brand new believer in the river.
Joyful baptism on the beach of Ensenada, Mexico. (Pr. KC and Pr. Reynario)
We partner with other Chinse-American churches to sponsor local indigenous Gospel workers like Fausto, and equip them to become pastors to shepherd their own flock.