Mexico 墨西哥
(click here)
Since 2010, supports and participations from 4 Orange County and San Diego churches and more than 40 mission teams have made this Mexico Mission possible. Come and learn about our Mission work and our coworkers in Ensenada: Pastor Reynerio, Emmanuel and Fausto, and more.
2010 年開始,由於橙縣和聖地牙哥 4 個教堂,以及 40 多個梯次短宣團隊的支持和參與,使墨西哥宣教事工成為可能。歡迎前來了解我們在 Ensenada 的宣教工作,以及當地同工 : Reynerio 牧師,Emmanuel 和 Fausto。
Taiwan is the home of many of our church family, and it is also a country that needs the Gospel desperately. Even though some major cities are seeing churches flourish, most rural regions still have less than 1% Christian population. Join us as we go to the least reached regions in Taiwan.
台灣是我們許多教會家庭的家園,也是一個非常需要福音的國家。儘管一些大城市的教會正在蓬勃發展,但大多數農村地區的基督徒人口仍然不足 1%。加入我們,前往台灣最偏遠的地區。
We go to Nepal every year to help in the pastors and leaders training in November. We partner with Minorities for Christ International for all our Nepal missions.
SoCal (Local)
EFCI/EMCI is based in the city of Irvine. We do our best to be salt and light in our own community first. God has placed us here for a reason, and that is to shine for Jesus!