Nepal Mission 尼泊爾

According to the Joshua Project, Nepal is an unreached country with a 1.4% Christian population. Nepal has about 269 different unreached people groups (UPGs). We partner with MFCI, Minorities for Christ International, for our short term mission trips in Nepal. We have ministered to the Nepalese and Tibetan believers in the past 6 years. If you are a church leader or medical professional, we invite you to join our team.



We partner with MFCI to help train village pastors and leaders. The leaders there often live in isolated villages and lack the training resources we often take for granted. They are hungry to learn and appreciate the training so much.


We collect stuffed animals from our church kids in SoCal and bring it to give to kids in Nepal. It’s an easy way for our own kids to participate in Nepal Mission. The kids there absolutely love and treasure the stuffed animals!


Many of the Nepalese coworkers are poor and lack the resources to seek medical and dental attention that they need. We seek to provide relief in this area. If you are a medical professional, we invite you to join us for the November trips!

Click on the image to hear Pastor KC share about Nepal mission at the 2023 EFCI mission conference