Camalu Church

Full Name 全名: Church hasn’t been named

Size 規模: 0 Sq ft

Established during the pandemic, Camalu Church is unique in itself. There is no physical church building; however, about 70 people congregate regularly to hear the Gospel in the courtyard of a private residence. Camalu Church has experienced tremendous growth in just a year. Upon Pastor Reynerio’s first visit to pray for member’s relative, 20 other people showed up in search for prayer. Upon his second visit two weeks later, over 60 people were present to hear his sermons and prayers. Their hunger for God’s love is a gentle reminder for us how blessed we are.

在疫情期間建立的Camalu教會本身就是獨一無二的,目前暫時沒有實體的教會建築。然而,卻有大約70人,定期聚集在私人住宅的院子裡聽福音。 Camalu教會在短短一年之間,經歷了巨大的增長。Reynerio牧師第一次拜訪會友的親戚,並為他們禱告時,另有20個人也來了,他們來尋求禱告。兩週後Reynerio牧師第二次訪問時,就有60多人在場聽他的佈道和禱告,他們渴望上帝的愛,這也提醒我們,我們是多麼的蒙福。