Mountain Church

Full Name 全名: Holy Temple (Templo Santo)

Size 規模: 950 Sq ft

Mountain Church began as a 7-member small group in 2012. The EMCI mission team first visited the group in 2014 and since then, have established tremendous relationships among all its members. Pastor Mario currently leads the church, which has transformed into a spiritual home for over 100 people from Mixteco and Triqui tribes. While the congregation has previously struggled with multiple financial challenges, support from EMCI and local coworkers has led to Mountain Church’s stable growth. It now also holds two regular worship groups; teenagers lead one led by women and another. 

Mountain Church最初是由7名會友組成的小組,於2012年成立。EMCI短宣隊於2014年第一次拜訪這個小組。之後,會友之間的關係產生了巨大的突破。Mario牧師目前帶領這個教會,這間教會已轉變成一個屬靈的家園,有來自Mixteco和Triqui部落的100多人。儘管會眾之前曾面臨多項財務挑戰,但由於EMCI和當地同工的支持,已經使得Mountain Church開始穩定增長。 現在,教會有兩個固定的敬拜團,其中一個是由女青年帶領。