Triqui Church

Full Name 全名: Lily of the Valley/Lirio de los Valles

Size 規模: 600 Sq ft

Pastor Reynerio (also) leads Triqui Church, a branch of the Mixteco Church. While the people from the Triqui tribe were not receptive to the Gospel at first, the efforts of Pastor Reynerio and EMCI’s local coworkers have slowly softened their hearts. The church now meets regularly and has a Children’s Ministry, which serves over 60 children in the community. 

Reynerio牧師也帶領Mixteco教會的分支Triqui Church。雖然Triqui部落的人們起初並不接受福音,但因著Reynerio牧師和EMCI當地同工的努力,逐漸使他們的心柔軟了。教會現在定期聚會,並設有兒童部,服事社區中的60多名兒童。