Daniel Martinez (X11)

Daniel Martinez (X11)

Sponsor 贊助

Boy 男生

Age 14    年紀14歲

Grade: 6th grade     就讀初中-年級

Christian stopped going to school one years ago due to financial difficulties. With your help, he could start going to school again.

 因為家庭環境不好,Christian 一年前就停止上課,有了你的幫助,他就可以繼續升學

Favorite Food: Tacos and Beans   最喜歡的食物: Tacos 和豆子

Favorite Things to Do : Drawing   最喜歡做的事: 讀書

Future Job: Teacher  將來想成為工程師


Family Info 家庭資料

Father Occupation:  None   爸爸在農場工作

Mother Occupation: Housewife   媽媽是家庭主婦

Family Annual Income  $1,645  家庭一年總收入: $1,645

Tribe  原住民部落: Triqui

所屬教會   Mountain Church