Tino Morales, Bible School (H6)

Tino Morales, Bible School (H6)


Bible School Student

Sponsor 贊助

Tino’s Calling Testimony

The desire to be in the Bethel Biblical Institute was because God had healed me of a very serious illness. I was facing death and God with His supernatural healing power healed me completely. When God healed me, I had this burning desire and interest to learn about who God was and to know the Word of God. And thank God for this desire and for my wish to finally be realized. Now I know Jesus and I am learning His Word, gaining knowledge and wisdom. Before I did not know God nor did I know the Gospel, now I do. My goal at the end of my studies is to share God’s Word and not only that, I want to further my education secularly at a University but I will never stop sharing the Word of God. I thank God because it’s not luck or just a coincidence that God has placed someone in my life to give me support. I prayed to God and He heard my prayer. I am forever grateful to God and to my sponsor for the support.



