Edgar Stanley Escobar Morales (H5)

Edgar Stanley Escobar Morales (H5)

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Info 資料

Boy 性別男生

Age 16 年紀 16 歲

Grade: High School 就讀高中

Favorite Food: Quesadilla 最喜歡的食物: 酥餅

Favorite Things to Do : Drawing 最喜歡做的事: 畫畫

Future Job: Aircraft Engineer 將來想成飛航工程師


Family Info 家庭資料

Father Occupation: Father works for a tire shop. 爸爸在輪胎行上班

Mother Occupation: Housewife 媽媽是家庭主婦

Family Annual Income 家庭一年總收入: $1,950

Tribe 原住民部落: Mixteco

所屬教會 Rose Church