Caring For: 關心照顧
EMCI supports Native Mexicans (also known as Amerindians) in Ensenada. They are migrants from Mixteco and Triqui tribes of southern Mexico with the hopes of earning better wages. They are a minority group in Ensenada, with low education and little financial stability; they work in the local agricultural packing industry and farming fields. Many of their homes are without running water or electricity. Some of them only speak their tribal language and do not speak Spanish.
EMCI 在 Ensenada 幫助墨西哥原住民(也稱為美洲印第安人)。他們是從墨西哥南部 Mixteco 和 Triqui 部落來的移民,希望能在這裡得到比較好的工資。他們是 Ensenada 的少數群體,教育程度低,收入不穩定。他們多半在當地的農業包裝工廠工作,或從事農地種植採收。他們的許多房子都沒水沒電。 其中一些人只會說他們的部落語言,不會說西班牙語。
Mission Trips and Activities: 短宣與活動
Every year, EMCI organizes approx. 6-8 Mission trips to Ensenada. Each trip is usually 2 to 3 days often on a long weekend.
There are a few activites and programs duirng the trips: Children Program, Mothers Program, Construction, Lice Cleaning Services, Cooking, Sports and Health/Dental Services.
每年,EMCI 都會組織大約 6-8 個到 Ensenada 的短宣旅程。每次旅程通常需要 2 到 3 天,多半會安排在長周末的時候。短宣旅程中會安排一些活動和計劃,例如:兒童節目,媽媽教室,建築工程,清理頭蝨,烹調, 運動, 以及醫療/牙科服務。
Local Churches: 當地夥伴教會
Local Team: 當地同工
EMCI Mission Model: 宣教模式
We connect churches in Southern California with our coworkers in Ensenada. Every year, there will be 6-8 teams visiting and carrying out various Mission related activities in Ensenada. In between the Mission trips, our coworkers in Mexico follow up with families and provide necessary support. This creates a virtuous loop, which we follow.
我們將南加州的教會與 Ensenada 的同工聯繫起來。每年,會有 6 至 8 個短宣隊在 Ensenada 參訪,並開展與任務相關的各項活動。在短宣隊到訪的中間,我們在墨西哥的同工會跟進,並提供必要的幫助。這建立了一個良性的循環模式,我們會繼續這個宣教模式。