We connect churches in Southern California with our coworkers in Ensenada. Every year, there will be 6-8 teams visiting and carrying out various Mission related activities in Ensenada. In between the Mission trips, our coworkers in Mexico follow up with families and provide necessary support. This creates a virtuous loop, which we follow.
我們將南加州的教會與 Ensenada 的同工聯繫起來。每年,會有 6 至 8 個短宣隊在 Ensenada 參訪,並開展與任務相關的各項活動。在短宣隊到訪的中間,我們在墨西哥的同工會跟進,並提供必要的幫助。這建立了一個良性的循環模式,我們會繼續這個宣教模式。